Tuesday, August 30, 2022

About Me (blog post #1)

 Hello, my name is Tori! I am a junior at Florida State majoring in elementary education. In my free time I enjoy watching Criminal Minds, reading, and working. I am a competitive gymnastics coach for ages 3 to 17 and a small business owner. After graduation, I plan to teach 2nd or 3rd grade at a local elementary school.

My prior experience with using technology in an educational setting includes working with Word, Excel, and Powerpoint to create presentations and complete assignments. I also have experience using applications such as Remind 101 and Canvas, both of these were a key factor in my high school education. I also have experience with Canva to create promotional and educational presentations. 

My PLN , or personal learning network, include my teachers, parents, classmates, friends, and bosses. I also utilize locations such as the Student Union or my room to help successfully complete classwork. To support my learning goals I often find myself using Quizlet which allows me to create virtual flashcards and take practice quizzes to check my understanding of the specific topic.

                                  "The Florida State University" by J-a-x is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0.

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Portfolio Item #24: Canva Infographic