Thursday, September 8, 2022

Blog post #2

 I have used Microsoft word for as long as I can remember. Specifically I remember in 4th grade when we had project around animals. A requirement for the project was that it was typed, I enjoyed customizing my work and making it stand out from the rest. Over the years my usage of Word has changed, this includes taking notes instead of handwriting them on paper and creating my résumé. 

The ISTE standard that is the most important to me is 2.5 Designer. This discusses how the teacher is making lessons student centered and catering to their needs. This is important because they want their classroom to feel like a safe space and one that students enjoy to be in. If they learn in ways that are authentic they will get more out of the learning process whether it involves independent learning or group activities. 

I think that the term digital native makes sense. This is because, there is a line between those who have been around technology most of their life and those who were already grown when they were introduced to technology. There is a difference between how students and teachers interact with technology, for example some teachers I have had struggled to use a SmartBoard and when it needed to be recalibrated she would ask a student to help her figure it out. However, I feel as though some assumptions for digital natives do not represent everyone. For example, one assumption was that digital natives do not enjoy reading, I believe this is false because I enjoy reading paperback books in my spare time. I think that me and my future students will be on an even playing field when it comes to technology as since I grew up with it I am constantly updating and refreshing my memory. However, there are some things I struggle with because I just started using them recently, but with practice comes confidence.

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Portfolio Item #24: Canva Infographic