Thursday, September 15, 2022

Blog post #3

 Copyright and fair use are important terms to know when working with technology. Copyright is the protection of a piece of work, this means whoever owns it has exclusive rights to its use and if it is distributed. On the other hand, fair use is a work that can be used by anyone for specific purposes like education.This can be anything from essays to movies that are used to promote knowledge. As a teacher, it is important to know the difference and know what to do, for example I would ask the copyright owner if I know it's not fair use. I also see myself creating my own lesson plans to benefit me and my students.

The first technological implementation issue I chose was cyberbullying. This is huge because bullying is very present in schools. As a teacher, I would discuss cyberbullying as a class and let the students know the lasting impact bullying can have on someone before I even invite the use of technology in my classroom. If I am informed of a cyberbullying situation technology will be immediately pulled from the classroom and each student will have to earn it back. As for the offender, they will be sent to the principal and a call will be made home to the guardian because bullying has a zero tolerance policy. The second issue I chose was academic dishonesty, this is because specifically with the higher grade levels most of their work is online including tests. Personally, there will be times that I allow notes to be used on tests and they will have the opportunity to do corrections if they do poorly. However, sharing answers with friends is not an appropriate solution if you don't know the answer. In this case, if I have two students cheating off of one another they will be separated and receive a 0 on the exam. I do know some teachers don't allow this on any assignment but for me I don't care if you cheat on a review assignment, I will know when I see a poor test grade which is the weight of the class. 

Throughout the newsletter assignment I learned how to better use Word as a whole. This includes the column function, using word art, and inserting pictures. In the future, I could better improve my newsletter by filling in more space with better information. The skills I learned during this assignment can be used in my future classroom to create real monthly newsletters to keep parents informed of what is taking place in the classroom. 

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Portfolio Item #24: Canva Infographic