Thursday, October 13, 2022

Blog Post #6

 My initial experience with Diigo has been fairly good. I think that it is easy to get used to creating posts and using tools such as sticky notes and highlighters on the articles. One thing that I do not like about Diigo is the layout. I feel that everything is right on top of each other and I become uninterested because it looks like words were just throw up on the page instead of an easy to read and digestible format. 

So far I have enjoyed blogging, the only downside is that it feels more like a discussion board without the replies to classmates. When I think of a blog I think it is more open-ended, for example what did you learn in class this week or creating a scenario  in which you would use techniques discussed in class. It can also be used to ask questions that my need answers or just opinions in general. 

A Web 2.0 tool I am use in my future classroom is Youtube. I would use youtube to show videos about corresponding topics in my classroom as well as a way to post videos for my class if we did an educational lesson that involved a song for example so they are able to go back later if they need help remembering the helpful hints they were given. I think Youtube is a great choice for the classroom because as long as you view the content before playing any video it can be beneficial to the learning environment. You are also able to have videos that are seen as "my eyes only" that you can share with a specific group which makes it super user friendly.

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