Thursday, October 13, 2022

Blog Post #7

 After looking into nearly 15 different schools to find teacher pages, I found Chiles High School. I found that some teachers did have a website linked on the main school's page, some of the information included their previous educational endeavors including high school, college, and prior teaching jobs. They also included where students can find their assignments and the what content the class is going to cover throughout the year. 

When I become a teacher I do not want to depend on too much technology inside the classroom. I want to have hands on lessons and interaction with my students. I will give computer time occasionally for them to use educational resources like IXL math or BrainPop Junior. On the teacher side of it, I will use an interactive calendar that is shared with the parents to keep them in the loop this will include field trips days, class parties, and upcoming tests. I would also let this be a volunteer sign-up if they are interested in coming in to help out with an activity. I would also use Canva, I love using Canva. I would make presentations to show the class as well as weekly newsletters that get sent home with students. 

Personally, working on Canvas went a lot better than how I thought. We were able to work all at the same time which meant we weren't slow down waiting on one person to finish to start our part. It also allowed us to communicate with each other through the platform, although it does not give you a notification when you have a message right away so we decided to text each other instead. I don't think I would use Canvas as a staple in my classroom but if you are sick and are missing assignments I would make them available online but they would be turned in in person. I plan to teach elementary school and I feel that they don't need everything to be using technology, it is important for them to handwrite assignments because not everything can be done online.

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Portfolio Item #24: Canva Infographic