Thursday, October 27, 2022

Blog Post #8

 A new skill I acquired from working on the web design assignment was embedding links into a website. I disliked how form fitting each program was, I felt like I could not design a website I was happy with and reflected who I am to others. I liked the ability to have everything in one place so parents and students have access to the same information, which can avoid confusion and unnecessary phone calls from concerned parents.

I feel like I have not learned anything new from working with Diigo. I have previously used sticky notes and highlighted websites so nothing really stuck out to me. Personally, I would not use Diigo in my classroom. I feel that it is too much information in a layout that kids will not understand. If the information was sectioned off and better accessible I would be willing to consider using it, unfortunately right now it seems like a jumbled mess. 

Teacher development and technology go hand in hand especially as more things are becoming digital. It is important for teachers to stay up to date in changes and new technology to better improve their teaching. I think that teacher education chats on twitter is a great way to see what other teachers are doing and what things might be beneficial even if it is just to experiment.

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Portfolio Item #24: Canva Infographic